Earning Cap and Mechanics
Check-in and Token limits are applied in all game modes.
The limit will restrict the amount of Check-in and tokens that users can have per day.
1. For Travel User
Daily Check-in Cap: Users are given 4/4 of check-in at the start of the game, and the maximum check-in at 30 based on your number and quality of luggages. You can increase your check-in by owning an additional or better Luggage or diversifying the type of luggages.
Daily Token Cap: Users start the game with a 500 Daily LUX and the Daily Token Cap maxes out at 15,000 LUX. By leveling up the Luggage, you can increase your Daily Token Cap.
Earning Mechanic/check-in:
T: Earning coefficient, different by Type of Luggage.
PLS: Player's Luggage Space
PSLC: Player's Luggage Space's Coefficient (Diamond/Lock)
System value1: Value set by the project developer, subject to change
M: Minting Speed adjustment factor:
+ Real Time < Minting Speed, M = Time/Minting Speed;
+ Real Time >= Minting Speed, M = 1
Y: Durability adjustment factor of Luggage
+ Luggage's Durability>50%, Y = 1
+ 20%<Luggage's Durability<=50%, Y = 0.9
+ 0 < Luggage's Durability<=20%, Y = 0.1
+ Luggage's Durability = 0%, Y = 0
Z: Energy adjustment factor of Check-in Node
+ Check-in Node's Energy >50%, Z = 1
+ 20%<Check-in Node's Energy <=50%, Z = 0.9
+ 0 < Check-in Node's Energy <=20%, Z = 0.1
+ Check-in Node's Energy = 0%, Y = 0
2. For Check-in Node Owners
Daily check-in Cap: Location owners can welcome up to 30 check-in per day. By increasing the coverage attribute points of check-in node, location owners can receive more check-in and LUX token.
Daily token Cap: Check-in Node owner start the game with a 35 Daily LUX and the Daily Token Cap maxes out at 600 LUX. By leveling up the Luggage, you can increase your Daily Token Cap.
Earning Mechanic/check-in:
Tn: Node Owner's earning coefficient, subject to change.
NOP: Checkin Node's Popularity attribute, including Popularity Coefficient (White Diamond)
PLL: Traveler' Luggage's Level, Level of check-in Luggage
PLQ: Traveler' Luggage's Quality, Quality of check-in Luagge
System value2: Value set by the project developer, subject to change
Z: Energy adjustment factor of Check-in Node
Last updated