Travel Modes
3 Travel Modes for Travelers enjoy LuxWorld
Journey Mode
In Journey Mode, LuxWorld has a list of locations for users to check-in (hereafter referred to as Check-in Nodes or Nodes).
Travel Users (hereafter referred to as Travelers) equipped with NFT Luggage will be given a 'Check-in Cap' to how many places they can visit in a day and still earn reward tokens, $LUX, by check-in at the destinations which are listed in LuxWorld’s map.
Meanwhile, Location owners (hereinafter referred to as Check-in Node Owners or Owners) who own an NFT Check-in Node will receive the $LUX token when Travelers check-in at their Check-in Node.
To begin, Travelers select a luggage of their choice, and press Start. Travelers should see a status on the top of the screen showing Journey.
Every Check-in requires 1 - 20 minutes at the Check-in Node with Luggage equipped (Minting Time based on Luggage Type, Flexibility Attribute and Durability).
GPS Signals: White - No GPS; Red - Poor GPS; Green - Strong GPS. If there is no GPS/internet signal when you’re checking, no $LUX will be earned. Be careful when the signal is Red.
At the same Node, Travelers can only check in once per day per luggage and can only check in more times by changing to other Luggage they own.
Choose the type of Luggage depending on the time you can be at a Node for a check-in, each type has different base Minting Time range and different Earning ability.
Always make sure you have Check-ins available before traveling, as there is no token earned if Traveler has Zero Check-ins remaining.
I. For Travelers:
LUX will be paid out for Travelers after every check-in, the amount is dependent on a few key factors:
Type of Luggage: The Base LUX returns and Base Minting Time range differs for each Luggage. Refer to the Luggage Attributes section for the individual breakdown of each Luggage type.
Luggage’s Space: The higher the Space attribute points, the more LUX earned per check-in.
Luggage's Durability: The Durability of your Luggage will decrease after every check-in, how much it degrades depends on the Resilience attribute of your luggage.
This in turn affects how much $LUX you can earn before you need to repair it.
Durability also affects actual Minting Time: Higher Durability - Shorter Minting Time.
Luggage's Minting Speed: Minting Speed is based on Luggage's Type, Durability and Flexibility attribute points: Type of Luggage determines the range of Minting Time; and the Flexibility Attribute determines the Basic Minting time and high Durability can shorten Actual Minting Time for the Luggage.
The higher the Flexibility attribute points, the higher the base Minting Speed, which means there is a shorter Minting Time (required time at a node for check-in).
Higher Durability, shorter actual Minting Time: At a specific time, the higher the Durability is, the shorter the Minting Time will be, corresponding to a higher Minting Speed. For example, if the Durability of the Luggage reaches 100%, the user will be entitled to one check-in with a reduced Minting Time to 1/5 - 1/10 of the Basic Minting Time, or in other words, the actual Minting Speed will be 5-10 times faster.
Check-in Node' Energy: Energy of Check-in Nodes will decrease after every check-in (depending on the Resilience attribute of the Check-in Node) This affects how much $LUX both travelers and the owner can earn before it is replenished (either after 12 hours, or if the owner pays a fee in $LUX). If it has no energy left, then check-in won't be possible.
Sharing photos/reviews: By sharing a photo or review, Travelers will earn more $LUX for each check-in (coming soon).
Once the number of check-ins are depleted, Travelers stop earning tokens.
Check-in cap: Travelers start with 4 check-in/day/Luggage. Users can purchase more luggage or higher quality luggage or diversify the type of luggage they own to increase the check-in cap.
II. For Check-in Node Owners:
$LUX will be be paid out for Check-in Node owners after every successful travel user check-in, which is dependent on a few key factors:
Check-in Node’s Popularity: Check-in Node owners have the opportunity to receive more $LUX tokens if a Check-in Nodes has higher popularity.
Traveler's Luggage Quality and Level: Traveler's Luggage with high Quality and Level can help increase the earning or Check-in Node owner.
Check-in Node’s Coverage: The higher the coverage is, the wider the check-in area is and the higher the check-in cap.
Check-in Node' Energy: Energy of Check-in Nodes will decrease after every check-in (dependent on its Resilience attribute) This affects how much $LUX both travelers and the owner can earn before it is replenished (either after 12 hours, or if the owner pays a fee in $LUX). If it has no energy left, then check-in won't be possible.
Sharing photo/views: If the Check-in Node gets more pictures of check-ins, Check-in Node owners will earn more $LUX and have the opportunity to expand their coordinates (coming soon).
Check-in Node’s Luck: Check-in Node Owners have a higher opportunity to receive Lucky box if Check-in Nodes have a higher Magic attribute (coming soon).
Once the daily check-in cap of the Node is Zero, travel users can not check-in at the Node and Node Owners stop earning tokens.
Check-in cap: Check-in Node Owners start with 30 check-in/day/Node. Owners can purchase more Nodes, Adjacent Nodes or level up to increase the Coverage attribute of the Check-in Nodes to increase this check-in cap. Each Owner can also own unlimited Check-in Nodes per account.
LuxNGo (Under Development)
In LuxNGo, Travelers need to register under the LuxNGo list at least 7 days prior to commencement.
LuxWorld will designate places for users to travel to in the metaverse.
Trips will be organized as follows: Weekly LuxNGo, Monthly LuxNGo, Quarterly LuxNGo and Yearly LuxNGo.
Only Travellers who have successfully registered will receive a notification in their app. LuxNGo Travellers are ranked using points. Points are calculated based on the locations users check-in and their Luggage’s Attributes.
Users can earn incentives and tokens by spending time while traveling in the metaverse: $LUX, NFT Badges and Diamonds from Lucky Boxes.
Meanwhile, the Check-in Node Owners will receive $LUX corresponding to the number of check-ins by traveler users.
Free Destination (Coming soon)
In the event that outdoor travelling to check-in is not possible, users can maintain a healthy lifestyle with LuxWorld by switching to Free Destination Mode.
In Free Destination, on a daily basis, Travelers that are equipped with NFT Luggage can earn 100 $LUX by moving over 3,000 steps (equivalent to 2.4km).
So long as the user holds a Luggage in the app, Free Destination Mode will count the steps directly from their mobile device’s Health Data app. These earnings are not affected by the Space attribute or other bonuses and will not add towards the daily $LUX Cap.
Users will not incur Durability costs while earning through Free Destination Mode.
Last updated