Check-in System

Check-in system for travelers

Users start with one Luggage and 4 check-in and can increase their max check-in number (Daily Check-in Cap) by holding more or higher quality Luggage.

Check-in replenishes once every 30 minutes until it reaches to the Daily Check-in Cap but the number of checkins stored at a time is still 4.


  • Additional Check-in will be given if you own high quality Luggage:

Rare Luggage: + 1

Limited Luggage: + 2

Legendary Luggage: + 3

2 different types of Luggage: + 1

3 different types of Luggage: + 2

4 different types of Luggage: + 3

Check-in system for location owners

For each check-in node, location owners can start with 30 check-in per day.

Coverage attribute reflects the reference Sensibility of the Node. The higher the area of coordinate, the more check-in cap.

To increase Check-in Cap of a Node, checkin Node Owner need to increase Coverage poins through:

Owners can also increase daily check-in Cap by owning adjacent Nodes.

Last updated